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“Emo pop punks grabbing you by the feels.”

Belgian rock outfit ESCAPE ELLIOTT combine punky melodies with conjuring guitar effects and even hints of ska and reggae.

The different influences of members Isaura Flockman (vocals), Lien Anseele (guitar), Ward Rosseel (guitar), Jacob Benoot (bass) and Jorne Tanghe (drums), are always shaping their ever evolving sound. You might hear some Green Day, NOFX, AFI and even Katy Perry.

ESCAPE ELLIOTT loves to play live, that’s why they’re playing all the local festivals and clubs they can. They’ve also played major venues in Belgium such as Ancienne Belgique and Sportpaleis as support acts, and also joined Against The Current as support at the Belgian show of their last tour.

In Januari 2019 ESCAPE ELLIOTT recorded their debut album with the help of Canadian Recording Engineer & Producer Jesse Gander (White Lung, Japandroids, BRUTUS). The album was baptized ‘Everything Here Is Make Believe’, a sentence that captures the mood of the album well. It’s about escapism, really.

Purple haired singer Isaura Flockman is a whirlwind of emotions. You hear it in their lyrics and you see it as they perform. A jumpy little lady who can’t seem to stand still.

She’s not the only whirlwind on stage; guitarist Ward Rosseel makes the ravage complete. On the other side we find Lien Anseele shredding her guitar on a throne. Why? Because she’s a queen, that’s why. Powerhouse Jorne Tanghe on the drums and quirky bassist Jacob Benoot make this band a must see.

Loud, honest and slightly peculiar pop punk with a heart.

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Consistently melodic, even in their more aggressive musical moments, this is a band who could appeal to a very wide audience if they get the exposure that they deserve. Great lyrics provide the icing on the cake, making this an album you can think about even while you’re dancing to it. Be sure to give this a thorough listening !


Escape Elliott not only play songs that make your jaw hit the floor while you simultaneously want to sing along with every word, verse and chorus, but they’ve also discovered the secret to successfully traversing the multiverse which is, all things considered, not too shabby for a punk rock band. I think I may have just discovered one of my newest most favourite bands.


"Deze band heeft potentieel om enorm veel potten te breken in de muziekwereld, zoveel is duidelijk na hun aantreden op Gèsfakrock. Wordt vervolgd!"


"[De] band heeft met zangeres Isaura en haar felgekleurde haardos een opmerkelijke en energieke blikvanger. Daarnaast is gitariste Lien Anseele een voorbeeld voor elke jongedame."
"Neem daarnaast nog een uitstekende drummer en bassist met een heerlijke down-to-earth uitstraling en je hebt een band die de kans maken om internationaal door te breken."

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What was that all about?



In 2018, we decided we didn't want to wait any longer. We had our music ready and we wanted to get it out into the world. Together with Ulule, we succesfully set up a crowdfunding campaign. 283 fans, friends and family supported us finacially by pre-ordering our CD and buying our T-shirts and goodies. Thanks, that was really amazing of you! Check this out to see what we did.


Once we cashed all our friends and fans their money, we felt obligated to actually really record this album. Allthough we discussed keeping the money to move to another country to never be seen again. Unfortunately the amount was not large enough to support 5 people, we had to let go of those dreams.

To record the album, we all took a week off to do it all in one go. We recorded at Closed Session Studio in Roeselare: thank you Kristof, you were an awesome host! We flew in our Canadian mate Jesse Gander from Rain City Records in Vancouver to guide us in the process and produce the album. Thank you Jesse for the coaching & mentoring, for the stories and the laughs. If you want a real pro... he's your guy.

The result of the recording week (and the subsequent mixing & mastering) is 'Everything Is Make Believe'. Which you can find on Spotify, Youtube or on this website.



To celebrate the birth of our album and to thank our fans, friends & family for their support, we had to throw a release party! The 15th of June 2019, it happened, the apotheosis of our journey. We joined forces with the people from Gesfakrock and some befriended bands to make this a night to remember.

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